So I realize this is a couple days late but it's my goal to write Isabella a letter every year on her Birthday. So a couple days late is better than never...right...say right it makes my exhausted brain feel better! hahahaha She had a wonderful party this past's an amazing feeling to see how many people care about Iz. She is such a lucky little girl! So here is goes....lets hope we don't need tissues...
Dear Isabella,
First off I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. You are such a bright light and continue to make me smile each day. I know that I've said it a million times but you have changed me in ways I can't even begin to describe. You are getting so big, your little (more like giant) personality is really starting to develop. You are already so strong, you are opinionated and you have a drive that rivals people quadruple your age. You know what you want and will figure out how to get it! I'm so proud of you, before you were 2 you could count to twelve, you know most colors and shapes, you can recognize your name, and you have a memory that is beyond compare. You amaze me, watching you learn sometimes I swear I can see the little wheels turning while you are figuring something out. You truly are something amazing and I can't wait to see what you do with all the gifts that have been given to you! Right now you are really into Cinderella, trucks, pirates and anything musical! We like to make pancakes Saturday mornings and you help me make my coffee every morning. You are so anxious to learn anything know and love to "help" it's not always so helpful but I wouldn't trade it for the world. You love to dance, unless it's at dance class (you made yourself throw up you were so upset at the last dance class attempt). I look forward to your smiling face each of my favorite moments is when I come home after work and you see light up yell "My Mommy is here" and run to me....there really isn't a better feeling in the world. We have had some interesting bumps this are a biter....I know I couldn't believe it either but you are...Mommy was too and I still get teased about it so just get prepared for that. You also have quite the temper if you are not happy about something heads up everyone whatever you are holding could be flying across the room at any minute...hahaha it's hilarious. Well it's not really at the time but looking back on it now it's funny. You also hate bedtime...hahaha even if you are exhausted it's a battle....I try to think that you won't always want to cuddle on the couch with me so I'm going to live it up while I can! You are leaps and bounds ahead in your speech....You have been saying full sentences for months now! Isabella you are beautiful inside and out....I am in awe of you....I love you so much! I can't wait for the fun 2 is going to bring us both!!
Your Momma
PS When I held you for the first time I had know idea that it would just get better and better. I know one day it won't always be cool to leap into your Mommy's arms when something is wrong but one thing I've learned over the years that I hope I can teach you is it's ok if you want's ok to need someone and it's ok to say you need help. You have already proved to me at 2 years old that you are tough so don't worry about it so much because there will always be arms here whenever you need them! I love you sweet girl!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sooooo Isabella has this adorable game that we play....She will cover her eyes and say "Uh Oh where is me" and I will turn and look and she will have her chubby little baby hands covering her eyes...I can't help but then I will play along "Oh No where did Isabella go? Did I leave her at insert wherever we just left (most likely target haha)....uh oh I have to go back and find her..." Then she will open her little hands and say "Here I AM" and then she says "Where's Mommy" which is my cue to cover my eyes or pretend to since I'm normally driving during this game...and then she says "where is Mommy...can't find her" and she gets just as excited as me when I uncover my eyes...This little game works like a charm when she is upset or getting a little restless.....I know that peek a boo won't always be able to make her day....but for now I'm going to live it up!!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween
Holidays are so much more fun when you have a little one...except the costume picking (we will get to that later)...Isabella wanted Elmo on her Pumpkin so being the wanna be super mom that I am I set off to try and do it! It actually didn't turn out too could tell it was Elmo well until is totally got rotten (maybe carved him a little early) anyway Isabella was all about Mommy making Elmo but didn't really feel like helping I bribed her a couple times to help some but she wasn't actually very helpful at all...hahahahah she just drank from her pumpkin cup and supervised....hahahaha crazy girl
Soooo a while back Isabella told me she wanted to be a Bubble Guppy for Halloween....which I thought would be adorable (she's totally obsessed) so I started looking....and looking....and looking....guess what they don't make Bubble Guppy costumes so I decided I could make I bought some tulle and headbands and went to work....if I do say so myself I thought it was adorable...Isabella however had a different opinion...she put it on and said "no like it mommy" with a disgusted look on her I figured it was probably itchy so I got her a leotard to go underneath it...guess what Iz still didn't like it...and stated a few hours before a Trunk or Treat that she no longer wanted to be a Bubbly Guppy but said "I wanna be a pirate....AAARRRRRRR"...I was stunned first off where did a pirate come from and second I worked really hard on that Guppy....but I found a Pirate last minute and I have to say she might be the cutest pirate ever...
We had a great time Trick or Treating with Boston Mammie Ty and Jordan....the girls Papa even took them around the neighborhood...and we have enough candy to last us until next year....
Soooo a while back Isabella told me she wanted to be a Bubble Guppy for Halloween....which I thought would be adorable (she's totally obsessed) so I started looking....and looking....and looking....guess what they don't make Bubble Guppy costumes so I decided I could make I bought some tulle and headbands and went to work....if I do say so myself I thought it was adorable...Isabella however had a different opinion...she put it on and said "no like it mommy" with a disgusted look on her I figured it was probably itchy so I got her a leotard to go underneath it...guess what Iz still didn't like it...and stated a few hours before a Trunk or Treat that she no longer wanted to be a Bubbly Guppy but said "I wanna be a pirate....AAARRRRRRR"...I was stunned first off where did a pirate come from and second I worked really hard on that Guppy....but I found a Pirate last minute and I have to say she might be the cutest pirate ever...
We had a great time Trick or Treating with Boston Mammie Ty and Jordan....the girls Papa even took them around the neighborhood...and we have enough candy to last us until next year....
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Isabella and the Jayhawk
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Baby's First Pie
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Knuckle Sandwich
Isabella has gotten such a personality...she cracks me up on a daily's crazy to watch her little personality develop. The other day she said something that I knew I had to document because it was so funny I didn't want to forget it....Isabella was being her little sassy self and I looked at her and said "Isabella I'm going to give you a knuckle sandwich if you don't get it together..." then she looked up at me with her adorable little smile and said "OK can I have chips??....I mean seriously how can I be mad at that....hahahaha
Summer Update
So I blinked and it's's been crazy with visits and IT problems but enough with the excuses and on with the updates....In July of course there was 4th of July the most amazing time of the year. I look forward to the Party and my parents house every year....Isabella really like the fireworks...a couple were too loud but mostly she loved it...It's such a fine time and I'm enjoying getting to really show her it's crazy how big she is getting she is the funniest person I know!!
In July Isabella's Dad and Aunt Erin came to visit her...along with the Grandma and Grandpa was a great time...we went to the water park the fair and spent a lot of time playing. Isabella of course loved all the attention and I'm sure everyone loved getting to see her!
In July Isabella's Dad and Aunt Erin came to visit her...along with the Grandma and Grandpa was a great time...we went to the water park the fair and spent a lot of time playing. Isabella of course loved all the attention and I'm sure everyone loved getting to see her!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
First Hair Cut
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Girls Day
Yesterday Isabella and I spent the day having a girls day...I love just hanging out with seems like every five minutes she is doing something new. We went and got pedicures or as Isabella would say "toes" and she was so good she sat on my lap put her adorable little toes in the water and talked to everyone in the salon. Her favorite trick was to tell everyone what color the water, the water was rotating through different colors and she was getting most of them right (SO SMART) I can't help but swell with pride when people Gasp and ask how old she is...ONLY 18 months hahaah I'm such a bragger but I can't help it maybe it's a Mom thing...I mean she does sometimes know her colors (her default is always purple) but for some reason yesterday she was spot on hahahha silly girl! She picked out neon pink polish for both of us (not my fav but how could I refuse that sweet baby face)...after our pedi we walked over to get some ice we were eating our ice cream she asked to go swimming so we headed out for that...its such a fun age right now...I can't wait to see what's next!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Out of the mouths of babes....
Tonight we had a great time we went to visit the Goldens...Isabella just adores them (well I think she thinks Mike is scary but he's like 6 feet taller than her hahaha) Mema and LiLi (Emma and Olivia) are so sweet to her and Jenny is the big sister I never's always a good time and it's nice to know that Isabella has another home away from home with them...enough about that before I blubber all over the keyboard...anyway so at dinner tonight Isabella dropped something off her plate and Jenny said "uh oh DANG it" (I repeat she said dang it) and then Isabella looked up in her sweet little voice and repeated bad her form of dang it sounded a lot like damn it (yep blog world I just cussed haha) and of course we can't help but laugh so of course she does it again..."oh damn it oh damn it" We were all literally laughing so hard we were's exactly what I needed a good laugh...someone remind me of this when I'm furious that she said "damn it" inopportune time....=) so after dinner while Emma and I went over an awesome cupcake recipe we are going to master Isabella went to play with her LiLi (pronounced lee lee) they were playing with her karaoke machine...we were summoned into the room because we just had to see how cute she was according to Olivia....Isabella is hilarious she was just singing and dancing (too bad we couldn't understand a word haha) we had a great time!! The pics are a little blurry but still super cute....
I've always hoped that those girls both know that I am always here for them and I can already tell they will be the same for my sweet little princess...I'm glad that when Mom isn't cool enough to talk to anymore I'm confident that these girls will lead her in the right direction!!!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sticker Fun
Boston came over to play with Isabella this evening...when my Mom got here to pick her up she brought both of the girls sticker books...she got Isabella princess stickers and Boston Dora....I am not a Dora fan (that is an understatement)...much to my dismay the girls switched
=(....we ended up with the Dora stickers....anyway so Isabella likes to put stickers on she walks over and in her adorable little voice says "Mommy cheek" so she put one on me...and then another and then another...hahaha pretty soon I was covered in Dora (I just threw up a little) here I am covered in Dora at least I know Isabella had was not fun however when she tried to rip my face off with them (she hasn't quite mastered finesse) thankfully there is no more Dora on my face though hahahha crazy baby!!
=(....we ended up with the Dora stickers....anyway so Isabella likes to put stickers on she walks over and in her adorable little voice says "Mommy cheek" so she put one on me...and then another and then another...hahaha pretty soon I was covered in Dora (I just threw up a little) here I am covered in Dora at least I know Isabella had was not fun however when she tried to rip my face off with them (she hasn't quite mastered finesse) thankfully there is no more Dora on my face though hahahha crazy baby!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Real Princess
Isabella is all about her own little opinion now...tonight her opinion is that a real princess wears a Tutu to bed....hahahhaha it's hysterical...we putting on PJs and she went into her closet and pulled out the purple Tutu then she proceeded to dance down the hallway wearing her Tutu then when I tried to convince her to take it off and put some real PJs on she told me "No Momma....Pwetty"....I mean how can you argue with this....
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Primping the Princess
So I am prepared to catch some grief for this but whatev she is my baby I can curl her hair if I want to...hahaha anyway so Isabella and I were getting ready for Baby Michael's Bday party and Isabella had this one adorable little curl on the back of her head (which makes me excited that she may have gotten my curls) and I thought how cute it would be if the back of her head had little curls on it (instead of just one) so I got out the smallest curling iron I had and curled her hair...she thought it was hilarious sitting in Mommy's sink while I curled her hair...she looked super cute! I should enjoy her letting me fix her hair because I'm sure that won't always be the case hahahahaha
Monday, May 21, 2012
I did not realize how much fun it was going to be to watch Isabella at Sesame Street live....She was watch her sweet little face light up was a memory I don't think I will ever forget...Before the show we had a little run in with the Crazy (and yes that capital letter is on purpose) people from the Westboro Baptist Church...I hope by the time Isabella can read this they either don't exist or they have figured out how to stop them...Anyhoo we got to go backstage and meet Elmo and Ernie (this was a big deal considering Mammie feels the same way about costumes that I feel about clowns haha) When we walked into the room Isabella gasped and said ELMO...she was allllllll about it until I went to sit her on Elmo's lap and she attached herself to I sat on his lap with her...She gave him a high five and then gave him a kiss...she was bubbling over with excitement....Boston took a picture with them but felt the same way her Mommy did about the costumes hahaha....when the show was starting Isabella stood up on my lap and danced and pointed for the duration of the intermission she lifted her sweet hands and said "what happened"....I haven't laughed like that in a while....Boston decided that we needed cotton candy (only the blue kind would do) so her and I ran down the hall to get it...when I say ran I mean ran hahaha B and I know how to get things done so we don't miss the show! We all had such a great time! I can't wait to take them again!!!
Trip to Powell Gardens
My Mom wanted to take the girls to Powell Gardens this weekend...we had such a great time! Isabella was pumped to be outside...I soon realized she would not be riding in the stroller...when we saw the first flower bed she stretched out her little arms and yelled.....MOMMA can't help but smile
I have an outside girl...I think she asked me a bagillion times "what's that" and got excited every time saw something "Purpa" (purple for those of you who aren't fluent in Isabella)...She practically ran the entire two mile arboretum...we were taking so many pictures that at one point Iz went and stook by some pretty rocks put her arm out tilted her head to the side and smiled....hahahhaah you think I take to many pictures? Probably but I'm not going to stop so why dwell on it....=) Her smile is contagious....
Besides enjoying the garden it was so nice to see how loved this sweet baby is...her and Boston are both surrounded by people or absolutely adore them! You can't ask for anything more...I always talk about how thankful I am that the girls have each other but I don't think I say enough how thankful I am that they have my parents...sometimes Grandma is the only one that can fix it and Isabella drops everything and runs to her PaPa every time he arrives....they are lucky girls!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Slowly Slowly
Ok so I don't normally post videos because they won't print well when I print this out for her but this was just too cute to pass up...Isabella has a book that starts every page with "Slowly Slowly" well now my little genious baby has figured this out and says "I read slowly slowly" and then as we turn every page she says "slowly slowly" in the sweetest little voice! I'm so happy that she loves books so much...I need to remind myself of this when I've read the same book for the umpteenth (yes this is a real word I googled it) time...and now for your listening pleasure Isabella reads "Slowly Slowly"
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Swim Lessons
We started Swimming Lessons this weekend...Isabella did a great job! She ran straight down the ramp at the YMCA and into the water...NO FEAR at all...makes me a little nervous about the pool this summer but that's why we are doing this...She loves the water...we didn't learn to much this first time they were just trying to get the kiddos used to the water. Isabella was ready to go...they had the kids sit on the edge and slide into the pool...Isabella stood up and jumped to me hahahahaha I think she is "used to the water"...We had a great time!!
It's interesting looking at these pictures it makes me laugh....I think I'm having as much fun as she is...This sweet little baby makes me so happy!!
It's interesting looking at these pictures it makes me laugh....I think I'm having as much fun as she is...This sweet little baby makes me so happy!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
A girl and her doggie
This weekend we decided to brave the dog park...poor Tank he hasn't been in a just makes me nervous trying to control a 209lb dog and making sure Isabella is okay...well anyway we went this weekend and it went well a little colder out than I would've liked but it was still a good time....Tank cracks me up because he doesn't want any of the other dogs near Isabella! It's adorable he doesn't growl or bark just puts himself between them and her...he only got upset one time when a sweet lab licked her face and knocked her down...Isabella loved all the dogs at the park...she wanted to love on all of them! Sometimes its difficult to keep up with a giant dog but he really is such a good boy and I'm glad we went! It's a long walk down to
the lake (especially with little toddler legs) but once we got down there Isabella was picking up rocks and sticks yelling "doggie you want it?" cracks me up (her vocab is exploding)...then when the dogs got boring she wanted to push her stroller back to the Hummer hahahaha she is so full of energy! Can't wait to go back and listen to her tell everyone "thats Tankie"!!!!!!!
the lake (especially with little toddler legs) but once we got down there Isabella was picking up rocks and sticks yelling "doggie you want it?" cracks me up (her vocab is exploding)...then when the dogs got boring she wanted to push her stroller back to the Hummer hahahaha she is so full of energy! Can't wait to go back and listen to her tell everyone "thats Tankie"!!!!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Easter Event...a little late
Easter Morning the Easter Bunny brought a dancing elmo to our house and the Bunny brought awesome pink cars to the girls at my parents house (they are rotten)! I really loved Isabella's dress this year it brought out her beautiful blue eyes....both the girls looked adorable....we made it half way the church service before we had to go play in the hallway I felt like half way was a success...hahaha they can only stay quiet for so long hahahha When we got back home Isabella was outside literally 30 seconds before she got mud on her dress...and it only went down hill from the time we made it to Nanas she already had chocolate on her dress...she was a candy fiend all day...we would take it away and then she would have another piece that she pulled out of some magical stash that we never located...hahah it was hilarious I cannot believe how filthy she was by the end of the day....we had another Easter egg hunt outside at Nanas and that just added to the the end I just had to laugh....we had such a great time we headed home on a sugar high and covered in dirt and was a good day hahhahahahaha
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Blood makes me paralyzed....
Isabella and Boston were playing on their new swing that their Papa set up for them on the new deck he built...He was in charge so I blame this whole mess on him hahahaha anyway so Isabella was swinging and Boston was pushing of course they wanted to trade and Isabella thinks she is a big girl and wanted to push Boston...the problem with pushing a swing is when you push comes back...and sometimes it collides with your pretty little baby as I'm coming down the stairs on the deck to pick her up because she is bellowing I look at my beautiful little baby and realize there is blood dripping down her face (okay maybe it wasn't dripping but in my mind it was totally dripping) at this point I am frozen (my nurse brain ceases to function) I'm just looking at her and have no idea what to do I decided the best option is to scream for my Mom...which then causes panic inside because I can normally handle the situation so at this point my Mom Sister Tyler and Doodah come running outside (they are all freaking out) they get one look at Isabella and then they proceed to start yelling at me because it really wasn't dripping blood just a little bloody nose but it's scary when it's my all is mom and sister cleaned her up...then I realized I needed to document the moment (nurse brain is back documentation is key haha) so we made her mad trying to take a photo of the damage and then she went back to seriously stressed me out! So here are some pics...not for the weak stomach....hahahhahahahaha ok so it wasn't that bad but at least it's a good story....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
If I could keep her little...
There is a book Isabella and I read that talks about keeping her says "If I could keep you little I'd hum you lullabies....but then I'd miss you singing your concerts big surprise....If I could keep you little I'd hold your hand everywhere....but then I'd miss you knowing 'I can go you stay there'....if I could keep you little I'd kiss your cuts and scrapes...but then I'd miss you learning from your own mistakes...If I could keep you little I'd strap you in real right...but then I'd miss you swinging from your treetop height" ok you get the jist of it before I start crying on the keyboard haha.....Everyday I am amazed at something she does...a few days ago she was playing her piano while sitting on the back of it...just because it was new...and now Boston has taught her about the moon and she gets very excited to see it...I can't believe that it's been 2 years now since I first started telling people that she was on her way....I had absolutely no idea what this little girl would do to my life but I am so thankful for her she is really I'm trying not to be sad that she's not so little anymore and just embrace all the new quirks that make her....well her!
The last page of the book is my favorite says "If I could keep you little I'd keep you close to me but then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be" Dream Big little lady you really are so special!!
The last page of the book is my favorite says "If I could keep you little I'd keep you close to me but then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be" Dream Big little lady you really are so special!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Earrings are NOT snacks
Isabella is notorious for pulling her earrings out...well today this caused her to get some new earrings because we were already out and about when I realized it was I found these adorable sparkly hearts...they are a little bigger than a skittle...anyway we are headed home and I hear strange little sounds coming from the back it sounded like she was sucking on a piece of I glanced back at her and realized it looked like she had something in her mouth....I asked her what it was and she opened her mouth to show me her new pretty pink heart earrings...trying not to panic (but really panicking) I pull the car over to get it from her by the time I get around the car she has swallowed I'm in a full blown panic...I've have already decided that the earring is going to cause a perforation and require surgery (because that's how my crazy brain works), thankfully she threw it up! She didn't even seem bothered by it...haha crazy baby!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Girls night!!!
When I arrived at my Moms house Monday morning, both Boston and Isabella are standing at the top of the stairs with shoes and jackets on...B then says "go play Aunt Krys house" and of course that melts my we had a girls night! We had so much fun...B decided we should have pizza for dinner, they were super cute sitting at Isabella's table in the play room they looked so grown up...then we got out every toy haha, took multiple rides roller coaster...and played the floor piano. They even had a rockband at one point haha it's hilarious, they have so much fun together (well when they aren't smacking each other with drum sticks and biting haha) When it was bath time they both sprinted to the bathroom...they were having so much fun in there that even though the water had gotten so cold they were shivering I still had to drag them both out of the tub...after we were clean and had our jammies on Boston came up with the great idea to have Popsicles....I wish they would've thought of that before they were clean but what are you gonna do? So we had Popsicles and watched dancing with the stars....they were hilarious they both love to dance I don't I watched much of the show just watched them dance around the living room....I'd give them both 10s!! B loves "aunt krys bed" so we eneded up there watching some TV before bed! We had a great time...but they wear me out hahahahahahha
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Skinned knees already!!
If the past few days are any indication of how we are going to be spending summer...I better get tons of Popsicles and sunscreen (yuck sunscreen is sooo gross) because I have an outside baby! Isabella absolutely loves being outside...she likes to play ball or chase bubbles or just run in the's adorable!! She tripped and fell (imagine that) while we were outside and got up and kept running...when she turned to look at me I realized there was some blood on her leg...WHAT A TOUGH GIRL!! She didn't care she just wanted to keep playing! I'm excited because I love being outside too! I can't wait to see what this summer brings!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sometimes I just have to laugh...
So one thing being a Mom has taught me is that sometimes you just have to laugh....tonight was one of those times...Isabella was enjoying her bath when all of the sudden her face got very serious (which is never a good sign in the bath) and I realized that it was time to get out...(Sorry Iz reading this in the future) She pooped in the bathtub again!! AAAHHHHHH why does she continue to do this...well anyway it doesn't end I get her out of the tub and wrap in her in a towel and try to get the poop out of the tub (I know it's not a glamorous life but someone has to do it) so I get that done and get her to her room all cleaned up lotioned and in her comfy after she is all ready for bed I go back to the bathroom to get all the toys out of the bath to soak them in bleach water and then clean out the tub...during this process I hear Isabella playing in her room and then running down the hallway (she is a very busy girl)...then I hear water splashing...when I hear this I'm very confused...I'm in the bathroom....hmmmm....what could that I leave the bathroom and head towards the kitchen and the splashing and giggling is getting louder...and I find my sweet little angel tap dancing in Tanks water bowl....I understand that Tanks bowl is so big it looks like a baby pool BUT IT'S NOT!!! I run to get the camera (thinking about documenting the adorableness makes me not want to cry haha) by the time I get the camera she has taken off down the hallway....
So now not only is she a mess but there are baby footprints all over the kitchen and down the hallway...I chase her down the hall and she runs into her room and with a squeal tries to hide behind her bed....hahaha she is soaked....
She is hilarious...but you can't be mad at her I mean seriously look at this face....
One thing I can say is nothing about this is boring....
So now not only is she a mess but there are baby footprints all over the kitchen and down the hallway...I chase her down the hall and she runs into her room and with a squeal tries to hide behind her bed....hahaha she is soaked....
She is hilarious...but you can't be mad at her I mean seriously look at this face....
One thing I can say is nothing about this is boring....
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Gymnastics Class
The "BIz" went to their first day at the gym this morning! It was hilarious...they both loved it! Both were also not very happy that we had to leave...Sammie and I took them to Byrds (where we went when we were little) They had a little baby gym where they just got to run around and play on the equipment! I was nervous that they might be a little unsure but when we got there they both just took off...Isabella had a pretty mean wipe out on the slide and she just jumped up and kept going! We had such a good time...Boston loved the the foam pit and Iz couldn't get enough of the trampoline...they got to go into the big gym at the end and play in there it was a great time..they have an actual class that we are going to take them to on Thursday I can't believe they are both getting so big...and now Isabella is knocked out asleep poor baby all of that playing did her in!! I'm so glad they loved it!! Looks like we might be spending a lot more time at the gym!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Today Isabella and I stopped to get some pizza on the way home...I didn't feel like we stopped at Pizza West (BTW great pizza) anyway and while we were waiting for our pizza to be ready to-go Isabella spotting some she is pointing and saying "ball peez" because anything cylindrical shaped is a ball and she is digging this "peez" word gets me things...of course she is aaahhhdorable so the manager guy went to get her a balloon...he came back with two a red balloon and a purple one...he held them both out to her and asked "which one do you want?" My sweet little baby looked up at him and said "Purpa" and reached for the purple balloon....Is it bad that I'm more excited that she picked the purple balloon than that fact that she is 14.5 months old and said the right color...haha whatev!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Momma's little helper...
I have a little helper on my hands now...if I unload the dishwasher Isabella likes to hand me things and say "tain kou" with every item or if I'm dusting she follows me and pretends she is too...haha it's hilarious sometimes it slows me down a ton...especially with laundry I have to refold or put everything back into an emptied drawer's a great way to get things done and still spend time with my little princess! Well I'd have to say her favorite is mopping the floor...she "mops" with me with the swiffer and yells at me to put the mop in the water again...I can't believe how big she is getting...she impresses me with how smart she is everyday! She has the biggest personality someone remind me how cute it was when she is 16 and has that same big personality....hahahaha so for now she makes me laugh like no one else can!! This new imitation stage makes me feel a little pressured to set a good example! Its interesting to me how much she has changed if only she could teach me how to take a break...
Friday, February 10, 2012
Bed Time is Evil
I'm's almost 10:00pm and I'm sitting at the kitchen table listening to Isabella fight sleep...she's not crying shes just bouncing or making noises with her hands or trying to get the baby monitor and toss it (knowing I will have to come int there and fix it)....I'm just running out of ideas...if I rock her she just wants to play with me and she does everything to stay awake to include pulling my hair and pinching the back of my arm (I know I need to get back to gym Iz but jeez)...I've tried just laying her down...I can't do the cry it out crap I just can't it's torture and I get less done because I'm a blubbering mess because she is upset...I just don't know what to do....I'm a such a perfectionist and lack patience (that's an understatement) and I just don't know what to do next...I know she is exhausted she just refuses to sleep....why I have know idea...I'd give anything for a good nights sucks because part of me feels guilty for complaining because she means everything to me I dont' want to come off like I'm just complaining about her because that isn't my intention...I'm just frustrated...really that's all I can say I don't even know what to say next...I just feel like I'm not good at this part of "mommahood" I just don't understand why...she didn't take a late nap today...she has on comfy jammies, she is full, she had a bottle, she has her "pup pup" and favorite blankie....but she just won't sleep....any Mommies out there have any's just hard sometimes....really hard....I'm feeling a tad's not a good feeling....I just wish I could figure out how to help her sleep easier...aahhhh....
We went and watched her Uncle Cord cheer tonight...she loves the music especially the drums...whenever they would start to play she wanted down so she could dance...she always steals the can tell she loves the attention she gets and is already playing to the crowd! She makes me laugh...she has such a big personality!'s quiet.....SHES ASLEEP!!! Thanks for listening to me vent blog world!!
We went and watched her Uncle Cord cheer tonight...she loves the music especially the drums...whenever they would start to play she wanted down so she could dance...she always steals the can tell she loves the attention she gets and is already playing to the crowd! She makes me laugh...she has such a big personality!'s quiet.....SHES ASLEEP!!! Thanks for listening to me vent blog world!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I stand corrected....
Brown Brown Bear is Isabella's new favorite book...I can "read" it to her without even looking at the pages now hahaha.....for those of you that haven't read it (fix that it's a classic), it's a repetitive book Brown Brown Bear what do you see...I see a red bird looking at me....blah blah at one point in the book there is a teacher, but since I read it to her I've been saying Momma instead of teacher teacher what do you see...well when I was reading to her the other night I was being lazy and just said Teacher instead of Momma and my 14mo old slammed her little chubby hand down on the book and said "NO...MOMMA" it took me a second to realize what she was talking about and then it hit me...I had just been corrected! I think I'm in trouble...
Monday, January 30, 2012
The BIz
Since our girls are practically joined at the hip (already) my sister and I affectionately call them "The BIz" for B and Iz come on laugh it's funny...hahah They are going to hate us for that but whatev that's what Moms are for right?? I'm so thankful that they have each other...they are super close and it's adorable to see how much they love each other...they both get super excited when the other one arrives and sometimes I have to sneak out of the house so Boston isn't standing at the door screaming for us! Its nice to know that they will always have someone that has their back...sometimes it's hard when it's a sibling because it's natural to have competition and "hate" the other one, hopefully since they are cousins it won't be so bad...they are my sister and I's children though so I wish them well hahhaha...Boston loved Isabella immediately she wanted to hold her in the hospital and when they took her away she cried....isn't it funny how little ones just know that they are supposed to love someone!! I can't wait to watch them grow up together I adore my niece so much and am thankful that Isabella has her...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Croup can't even keep her down...
So my little lady is a tough cookie...Monday she started coughing so I made her a doctors appt...even though she wasn't feeling good at my sisters she was having a melt down to go outside and play with the other kids...Sammie said she was standing at the glass door banging and crying to come my sister lets her go even though she is coughing her head off she was running around laughing and playing...I guess she knew she couldn't waste the beautiful day! Well I've decided she should have named her Grace because the sweet girl can't take 5 steps without falling...well of course on the day I have to take her to the doctor she wipes out and hits her little face on my parents front steps...which just happen to be here is what my sweet angel looked like at the doctors office...
I feel like I should have worn a shirt that said "I promise I don't beat my kid" hahahahah She is hilarious! Anyway so we found out she had totally we spent that night rotating between a steamy shower and then bundling up and going outside to breathe the cold was a long night but thankfully we just stayed home and cuddled the next day...Isabella is already back to her old self...Momma is a little under the weather but I'll today she was showing off her new fork skills it cracks me up how it seems like she is always learning something with croup and a bruised face she is still all smiles while she is eating tonight...I wish I was this resilient Ha Ha
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Goodnight Baby
Every night I rock Isabella to sleep...I've caught some grief from some people about this...haha I've heard that I'm going to always have to if I keep it up...and that she needs to put herself to sleep...however because of the new sweet habit that has developed I can't let it go...Every night while I'm rocking (or trying to wrestle depending on the night) Isabella to sleep right as she is about to doze off she opens her eyes really wide and reaches up to touch my face and says (in the sweetest little voice) "Ma Ma"...I get tears in my eyes every's moments like this that make it all worth I'm going to continue to rock her to sleep she's not going let me hold her forever so I'm going to live it up while I can!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
So I went on my first mini vaca without my little princess...not gonna lie I was a mess...I went over every possibly scenario in my head before we my Mom a POA for medical care...explained to her what she liked to sleep with and what she likes to's not like she doesn't see her everyday and raised 3 kids of her countless others (she might be a teacher haha) I just couldn't help myself we were barely gone 48 hours but I missed her like crazy! She had a great time though...she got to go shopping with Grandma and stay up late haha my Mom was sweet and sent me tons a pics here are a few...thanks Mom you made it so much easier!!
All Smiles
Happy Girl
Sleepy Time
Monday, January 2, 2012
I can't believe how different Isabella was this's crazy to think that last year she was pretty much a lump hahah and now as I'm typing this she is running down the ramp of her new roller coaster crazy a year she has changed so much I can't believe how much she is just like a little sponge soaking up everything around watch her is amazing she seems to learn something new every minute (which is scary) blows me away...we had such a good time with wonderful friends and is nice to know how loved she was nice to spend time with everyone! She is so lucky to be surrounded by so many people that are excited to watch her grow and show her how special she is! Christmas isn't about the gifts and I hope as she grows up she understands that! She was hilarious with the presents though...whenever she opened one or anyone else for that matter she would say "OOOOO" or "WOOOW" before she even say what it was...I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!! I'm so thankful that her and Boston have each other they were hilarious....they are going to be more like sisters than cousins!! We made it through the busy day with minimal meltdowns...I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!!
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