Friday, February 22, 2013

Snowed In

So for the past couple days Isabella and I have been snowed in...we are normally going 100mph all the time so this was actually a welcome break...I thought I might lose it for the first hour or two but then I realized how much I could get done around here...we have cleaned the house...played with her kitchen...made cookies...and just hung out.  I've really enjoyed spending these couple days just us, we've read all of her books a hundred times watched every Disney movie we own and hung out in our jammies...yesterday we made pink snow ice's fun to watch how excited a little snow and food,coloring can make someone, she loved it!  Probably a lesson for all of's the small things...

Today we were able to get out and go sledding with the neighbors (we are so lucky to have such great neighbors) Isabella loved it..she even got blasted in the face with snow and only was mad until we got it off...We probably shouldn't have gone sledding considering Iz is on an antibiotic for an ear infection but it only snows like this every now and then and we covered her ears....haha at least she had a great time!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Update time!!

So things have been crazy with Isabella's birthday being in December I always use it as an excuse to let time get away from me...first it's her Bday then christmas then the next thing ya know it's here I am catching up...hahaha we've actually had a great past couple of months...first Isabella's Birthday was such a hit...there isn't much better than knowing that your baby is loved...It amazes me to see all of the people that love my sweet little monster...our house was bursting with people and with love for her party...we ended up with perfect weather....we even got to do the pinata outside....I can't believe she's 2...time really really are a few highlights from her party...

So now that I have Isabella....I will have to admit this whole Christmas thing is fun...I am starting to like decorating the house and making cookies and getting excited to see her face that morning...Shhhh no one tell my Mom! This year was more fun than last year too...Iz was excited to see Santa and actually helped decorate the tree...she was even a little bummed to take it down (She is her Grandma's girl)..We tried ice skating...wasn't for us...I don't think I've ever been so sore and Iz was pretty ticked at me during the whole process maybe we will try again next year...hahaha...We had a girls night out and went to see the Christmas Train with B.  We all had our matching jammies and put reindeer food out for the reindeer...they were adorable!!