Sunday, September 25, 2011


So I know that I've been lucky having a baby that has a pretty mellow temperament, who knows how someone that came from me has a mellow temperament....but she does...unless she doesn't feel good...her first 2 teeth she got came in relatively easy and didn't faze her to much however these top two are rough...she has been running a fever and not sleeping well and having awful drainage...however just like when I don't feel good a bath can make everything I had to capture these adorable little smiles to remember my sweet little baby is still in there and will return as soon as the teething monster leaves her alone!  HAHA

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So I can't believe it but Isabella is walking...she is only 9.5mo old and she took 5 steps yesterday and 6 today!  It just blows me away!  Everytime she takes her sweet little steps I am stunned and then the eyes get blurry...she is getting so big!  I'm really proud of her can really see how happy she is when she gets going...she is struggling with trying to go to fast...cracks me up because I was always in trouble for that when I was little...I rememeber my 4th grade teacher in particular getting onto me about it...haha poor baby hopefully I'm not turning her into a little I must be an overachiever monster like me...hahahaha who knows a little bit of drive never hurt anyone!!  I know I've said this a million times but I really had no idea you could love someone so much...she takes my breath away!  I can't wait to see what she does next....walking today....who knows tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The things you do for your kids....

So for those of you that don't know I'm terrified of clowns....not just creeped out...terrified...fight or flight kicks in and I normally embarrass myself...but now I have a baby and the circus was in town...Sammie wanted to take Boston and so I decided to brave the circus for Isabella...I was sick to my stomach as we walked up just kept trying to think that my fear is irrational and that I can handle this! HAHA even typing this it sounds ridiculous but I can't help it they scare me!  Anyway...I survived it actually wasn't even that bad...the show was great and Isabella seemed to enjoy it...well except for the nap she took during the show...haha she's still a baby, give her a break!  Thankfully the only clowns we saw were down in the ring and it only made my heart race just a little (I'm growing up so much haha)....Aunt Sammie fed Isabella a snow cone (which she loved) Aunt Sammie is notorious for feeding her things that she probably shouldn't have...but whatev! It was such a good time...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Can't believe she is 9 months old!!

So it kind of blows me away that Isabella is 9 months old...I can't believe it...she amazes everyday!  She is standing all by herself and running not walking but running with her push toys...she is developing such a personality too...she will slam her hand down if she thinks you aren't paying attention to her or give you kisses if you look upset...I can't get over how much she has changed me and how I look at things...any day now she is going to be walking, it's all happened so fast!  She says Mamamamamamamama which melts my heart every time and a few other words too!  It's only been 9 months but I don't remember what I did with myself without her.  I am so happy that she has Boston too, they both light up when they see each other and B is her personal protector and watch out if you mess with "my Iz" as B would say! We have had some rough nights with this new personality too...I think I may have met my match on stubbornness and after a few nights of tears she is going to bed like a champ...I'm not saying it was easy one night even had to take a walk around the block while Genna and Sammie listened to see if she was sleeping yet...Yesterday we went to her 9 month doctors appointment she is doing awesome she is exceeding all of her developmental goals and instead of screaming her little head off when she got her shots...she just gave the nurse a look that said "I don't suggest you do that again" HAHA I have know idea where she got that =)....our latest battle has been about eating....Isabella has decided that she is big enough to feed herself and does not like me feeding her...well the only problem with that is that the whole spoon thing wasn't working out for her...the floor was eating more than she first I tricked her with giving her a spoon to hold herself that worked for a one whole she loves to play with the packages her food comes I decided to just open it and give it to her and see what I put the end in her mouth and squeezed it just a bit so she realized she could get the food out herself....and.....VOILA everyone is happy...Isabella is happy because she is doing it herself and Momma is happy because she is actually eating!!!!!  These 9 months have been so much fun I can't wait to see what happens next!!