Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Easter Story (according to Isabella)

Today after Isabella got out of the bath she was telling me the Easter story.  Her attention to detail is pretty incredible for being just 3.  She told me that Jesus was "praying in the garden because he was scared"....that the soldiers "were mean to Jesus and beat him up and killed him"....she then went on to say that they "put in him in the tomb and his just his body was in the cloth"...then she said "Mary came to the tomb and Jesus was gone but the tooth fairy told her Jesus was alive"!  Yep go back and read that last sentence I said tooth fairy....I giggled a little and told asked "Iz wasn't it an Angel in the tomb"...she got her adorable I'm thinking look (which if you know Iz you know exactly what I'm talking about) and said "I think you're right Momma, it was an Angel" You can't help but just adore this kid she is least she got the major points right?!?!? I mean Angels and "tooth fairies" both have wings...HAHAHA