Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Isabella may never be a cheerleader....=*(

So if any of you have children you know that sometimes getting ready is an impossible task with a little person climbing all over your legs....so I'm always trying to find ways to entertain Isabella....safely, without her falling down the stairs or pulling my 15lb makeup case off the counter...that was actually funny because I just caught the case and the make up just rained down on her....she just stared at me like "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" (and the 15lbs in not an exaggeration I actually took it out of my suitcase at the airport one time haha) so I found one of my old Pom Poms and gave her that...at first she just looked at it and then when she heard the noise when she shook it she was hooked...she was laughing and screaming while shaking it...it was cracking me up...I was pumped that I had found something to help move along the getting ready process until we were getting ready to leave and I looked at her beautiful little face....she was covered in red splotches...at first I was a little nervous but the splotches didn't seem to be spreading or swelling so I just watched her and eventually they went away...so now the joke is that she will be the bright red cheerleader hahahahahah poor baby!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

B TURNED 2!!!!!

Boston's Birthday Party was over the weekend!! We had such a great time!!  Isabella crawled around on the floor and pulled on B's TuTu it was adorable and disgusting when I picked her up and saw her black knees...YUCK!!  Isabella also had lots of food firsts (behind my back) but we all had a great time!  I have more pictures from the party but they are on Tylers (Sams boyfriend) camera...I will post them soon!!

Genna and I made some amazing cake balls for the party! She was nice enough to lay it out for everyone...so I can't take credit for the imaging, Genna put it together, but this is what we did!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is it about a baby's laugh???

I love love love my half days because I get to spend the afternoon playing with Isabella!  She is at the best age...well I guess so far the best age....she gets excited when she sees me and she is actually responding to me!  So many of our Tuesday afternoons are spent sitting on the living room floor playing, he new favorite is the amazing game "lets unpack the toy box" haha I will have to thank Zander (Genna's little guy) for teaching her that wonderful trick!  Sooooo since it's Tuesday afternoon I thought I'd share this adorable giggle with you!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Disclaimer....FOR PARENTS ONLY

SOOOOO I have a bone to pick with all of you that were moms before me!!  NO ONE I repeat NO ONE told me about some of the crazy things that happen when you have a baby! Yesterday my adorable little princess made a mess of herself trying to eat herself (thats a whole different subject)!  So we head for the bath, she loves the water and now that I've let her out of her baby bath cage she thinks being in the bath is soooo much fun...anyway she is playing and all of the sudden just stops and looks very serious....I'm laughing at her serious face and then I realize what I think is happening....but it's to late the water is turning a litttle tan....AAAHHHHH there is POOP in the bath...I immediately grab her out of the water and sit her on the bath rug and stand there dumbfounded....what do I do with this....and just let me tell you this is not a normal baby poop.....I swear it was the size of a grown mans....I know that's disgusting but I feel like if I don't give you the whole picture you just won't understand....all I can say is what do I do with this....this is horrible....what do I do with this....then Isabella starts crying because she is sitting on the floor soaking wet....poor baby at least I know how to solve this one!  I get her dried off and dressed...UGGHHH back to the mess I wish there was a mess fairy that came by and fixed this...so I had to drain the tub....bleach all the toys and of course the tub...I did that one twice haha...it was rough but I guess it'll make for a good laugh now! 

She is getting so big now I just can't get over her little personality....I don't know who has more fun playing me or her?

She is over me feeding her...too bad she has decided that she can do it herself...which makes a huge mess and very little food into her mouth....this too shall pass...I hope so at least! 

Oh one more mediocre thought.............................................................................................................