Sunday, November 27, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza!!

So we all survived and pulled of the 1st birthday of the year...thankfully I only have to do this once a year I don't think I can take it more than that!  The party was at 11 we got there at 9 to make sure that everything was set up and ready...after a few exploding balloons and some missing plates everything was done, even the bounce house was blown up and ready to go...about that time I realized that my sweet little princess had very heavy eyes and then at 10:45 she fell first I was devastated and then realized this could be a good thing so people got to snuggle the princess while she slept and everyone got to eat!  When she woke up she was in a great mood and everyone was ready for desert so we brought out the cake...we had a wardrobe change (yes I said wardrobe change) and got her in her first she wasn't sure what to do with her cake but soon figured it out and was covered in icing it was adorable...I can't believe what a personality she has...she really loved being the center of attention (Imagine that...hahahahha) She really wanted nothing to do with the opening presents process but she is the luckiest baby she got so many great presents!  Sean takes the cake with the fav present he got her a "baby grand piano" (if you know Sean you know that is soooo him) she plays it and dances behind it...then she will stop and pose with one hand on her head and stick her belly out...I haven't been able to capture this yet because it makes me laugh too hard =)  She is hilarious!  I think I may have a little performer on my hands!!!!  After the party was over everyone helped out and we had everything cleaned up and ready to go....Thank you everyone for all of your help!  It means so much to me to have such wonderful friends!  Here are just a few pics from the party it was so hard to pick because they are all so cute....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tree lighting!!

In my Moms true Holiday Cheermiester form she wanted to take the girls to see the tree lighting and Santa I put on a red shirt and some Christmas light earrings and off we went hahahah it was soooo cold I ended up buying a new hat and gloves, but we had a good time...Santa arrived by helicopter which made me super nervous considering it was a blustery day (that word cracks me up...blustery....hahaha) So as Santa's helicopter is landing I was looking for cover in case of a crash...not gonna lie...I was concerned at one point...but anyway...the jolly old man landed safely...I mean I should have known he could do it, he's Santa for goodness sakes...but after waving to crowd he went over to light the tree at Legends...the girls seemed to really enjoy the chaos...Isabella was just watching everyone...thats really all she could do because she was bundled up to tight to do anything else...once the lights were lit B and Iz (or "the BIz" as we refer to them...haha they are going to hate us) were pumped...they both loved the music and lights!  Can't wait to take her to see Santa...I'm a little disappointed in myself blogging about Christmas on the eve of my favorite Holiday but it was a lot of fun!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

This is why I get nothing done....

So I have figured out why I seem to not get anything done...haha it's because it is way more fun to spin Isabella in the laundry basket instead of folding clothes...haha She has started climbing so when she found herself stuck inside the laundry basket I couldn't resist the urge to spin I started slowly at first (I didn't want to totally freak her out and ruin amusement park rides forever) and she smiled a I started spinning her and she was laughing so know that good belly baby laugh it was cracking me of course I had to grab my camera to capture this hilarious here is what happens when mom doesn't want to fold clothes...I wish you could hear her sweet giggle!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sometimes this sweet little baby just gets me and tonight is one of those nights...I was rocking Isabella to sleep and she fell asleep holding my hand...and I just started to cry...I know there will come a day when she will be to cool to hold my hand, or when she won't "need" me anymore...there are so many things I want for I was sitting there holding her hand I can't help but think of those things...I want her to always reach for the stars...I want her to be proud of who she is and have the strength to go after what she wants...I want her to always know she is loved and know that she can do anything she puts her mind to....I wish I could protect her from the hurt but I know I can't so I want her to know I'm always there and nothing can change that...I hope she always knows how much she means to me, that she has changed me, and that all the decisions I have made so far and all that I make in the future I am doing what I thought was best for her...I hope she knows that when I was a little girl I wanted to be special that I have always been fighting and searching for something I could never put my finger on...maybe have my name it lights or be the first woman president (even though now I wouldn't even vote for one)...little did I know that nothing in the world could feel as good as this sweet little girl holding my hand when she fell for now I'm going to enjoy the moments when I just get to hold her!

Mini Holiday Cheer Meister

So I'm not sure if it's because of her birth month or if my Mom has just rubbed off on her...but Isabella is a mini Holiday Cheer mother holds the title currently but with her love of Christmas decorations Isabella may be giving her a run for her money! My mom always puts her tree up the first weekend after Halloween...much to my Thanksgiving loving self but hey it's her thing...well Isabella loves the lights!  She was so excited when we were putting up my moms tree that I went and got her a small one for her room!  My mom and B came over to help!  Isabella was running around with her new ornaments slamming them together...well lets just say I totally forgot that ornaments were normally made of glass until I heard the sound of breaking sweet little baby is standing with 2 broken ornaments in her hands looking very confused...thankfully no one got hurt but I definitely learned my lesson!  Her tree looks great I think she will be sad when we have to take it down...

Monday, November 7, 2011

"moe" and "Th-at"

So my sweet little overachiever is starting to say a few things....her top 2 though are "moe" and "th-at" (with 2 syllables) it's hilarious well the first 100 times a day it is...if she sees anything that she wants or even just thinks she might want immediately her little finger is pointing and she is saying th-at th-at...and then the game begins of picking up all of the items in the general vicinity of the point to figure out what she wants...she is becoming such a little person....she is always "talking" I'm not quite sure what she is saying but it sounds like she does...It blows me away that in a few weeks she is going to be ONE and I just can't believe how much has changed in this year...she blows me away everyday...who knows what will come out of her mouth next...but for now I'm sure there will be tons more of "moe" and "th-at"

I know this is short but this is much "moe" to be done around here =)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cutest little elephant

So I have decided that Isabella's first Halloween was more for me than her...haha she was an elephant and it was seriously the cutest costume ever....(I know I'm probably a little bias) She was such a trooper she just walked around wearing her ridiculous costume flopping her giant ears...hahaha it was awesome....she even had a couple bites of some candy....I know I know I'm such a terrible Mom hahhaha I was so proud of her blows me away how big she is...she is walking and jabbering and it breaks my heart a little that she doesn't really even look like a baby least she is getting more fun...I love watching more and more of her personality emerge every day...I have a feeling I'm in for it!  So here are a few pictures of the elephant!!