Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dress Up Time

One of Isabella's fav things to do is dress up...sometimes it's princess time....others she's a witch or pirate or cowgirl...cracks me she was running around as Cinderella (you may only refer to her as whatever she is dressed up as or good luck getting an answer)...She wanted me to dress up with her she hands me her size 3T Ariel costume and I try and hold in a I go and find a purple sundress and shazamm I'm Rapunzel!  For the rest of the evening we were Cinderella and Rapunzel...I've been sick this week but I think that was the best medicine I could ask for...she is getting so big so fast so I love these sweet moments with her!!  So here we are Cinderella and Rapunzel!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's official she said the F word =(

Isabella is hilarious...there isn't another way to say it...the things that come out of her mouth blow me away...there have been a few good ones lately I need to get them out before she says too many more crazy things and I forget...hahaha

First of all she has become very literal...almost to a fault...for some reason I started calling her my popsicle (don't ask me why it just happened one day) so the other day while we were getting ready for a bath I said to her..."you are so cute popsicle" and she looked at me stone faced and said "I'm Isabella the popsicles are in the kitchen" I mean she's right but come on give Mommy a break...hahaha

Her Daddy sent her a new ATV for her half birthday...when I asked her if she liked her ATV...she literally looked at me like I had 3 heads and said "Mommy this is not a TV this does not play DVDs" not only did she tell me I was wrong she even had's times like this that I worry about how smart she is!! I'm totally in for it.

Isabella has made a new friend...a little calf named cracks me up how cool she thinks Gabby is...if you ask most kids what a cow says they will say "MOOOOO" heck if you ask most adults that's what they will say...however if you've actually heard a cow it's more like "MMEEERRRR" than "MOOOO" now little Ms Literal will let you have it if you say a cow says "MOOO" not going to lie every now in then I will say hey Iz does a cow say "MOOO" just to watch her stomp her little feet throw her arms straight down by her side and say "NO MMMEEERRRR" it's hilarious.

This last one I'm not proud of but I have to tell's only fair I tell all of her embarrassing stories so I might as well tell the ones that involve me here goes....on Sunday while Isabella was playing I was talking on the phone with my Mom...I realized that I had planned something on the same day as my nieces first dance recital...I was frustrated and said "OH F&*%" yes I know ya'll I'm not proud of it but it happens...anyways about that time my sweet little princess yells "OH F&*%" I instantly felt about 2in tall...that was totally my fault no way around we sat down and talked about how that was a bad word and Mommy shouldn't say it we both had a time out....while we were sitting there in time out Isabella looks and me and says "Mommy I'm sorry you had to have a time out" I was laughing so hard I almost cried....lets hope she doesn't say that word anymore....