Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Birthday Letter

Sweet Girl,
So today is the first day of being 4!  I sure hope it feels as good as it looks!  I am in awe of you daily...right now you are dancing in the living room...watching batman...twirling your Rapunzel wand....I wish I could just freeze time just like this...on the other hand each day you get better and better so I'd probably miss out on too much....You are an incredible source of strength for me, we had a scary time this weekend.  Your Pa had a heart attack...Thank GOD he's doing well now....we were out to lunch at Margaritas (OUR FAVORITE) and we got the phone call...we rushed out of the restaurant and Mommy was very scared...I was driving and crying and calling people and in the middle of all the chaos you yelled for me from the back I tried to pretend not to cry and asked you what you needed....Calmly in your sweet little voice you told me "Mommy don't cry just pray" blew me away...How could you already know that...You are exactly what I needed in that moment...I hope you always remember that....Don't cry just pray...After your baths you still ask me to hold you like a baby and rock you....even though I'm starting to struggle holding you like a baby I will do it as long as you will let me...I know one day you will be too cool for for now I'm going to cherish rocking you...I can't believe how smart you can spell your first and last name....and are just starting to recognize a few words...I bet we will be reading soon....You are still loving batman and I hope you continue to march to the beat of your own drum...I hope that you never feel like you have to apologize for being you...I want you to always know that you are perfect just the way you are and should be proud of will always have someone here that thinks the world of you...Mommy is guilty of not always having the most patience and I hope you just ignore that flaw in me..or at least just learn to roll your eyes at it....There is really no way to put into words how much you mean to me....Love just doesn't describe it but that's all I have!  I love you to the moon (all the way around it) and back!  Can't wait to see what this year brings us!!
Love you

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Summer Update

I totally feel like a slacker...can't believe I haven't updated since May...oopps so here is the summer update...I can't get over how much Isabella has changed just in the past few months!  Sweet girl is not a baby anymore...a little sad but so much fun at the same time...

Isabella had her first dance recital this summer...seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen...she did the Cuddle Bug Boogie....I was so proud of her though, she was one of the few that actually was so much fun getting her all dressed up and seeing her enjoy something I loved so much as a kid!  When I went to take her back stage she kissed me on the cheek (it left an adorable little red kiss mark) and walked to her dressing room, no fear at all...She was very very excited about the trophy she got too!  I love watching her grow into a beautiful little girl...I personally think she was the cutest little lady bug I've ever seen!! 

So we jump from all dolled up at dance to a fishing derby....lolol that couldn't be more appropriate for little tomboy in a Tutu...I have never been to a fishing derby before but it was adorable...The kids signed up in different age groups and then when it was over there were prizes for each group and then an overall prize for biggest fish...Isabella won her age group and biggest fish...She liked playing with the pole and carrying the little fish on the line after she reeled it in..the most hilarious part of it is she wanted nothing to do with the big fish....she was so excited when they were reeling the fish in then when it broke the surface of the water all bets were off....she screamed her little head off and ran away....We had to bribe her to take a picture with the fish but she won!  

The summer isn't complete unless you go to the fair...I look forward to going to the fair every year...this year Iz was big enough to ride some of the rides with me...I was soooooo proud of her we rode the octopus and the Ferris Wheel she loved them both!  She wasn't scared at all...even when we got stuck at the top she was pumped! I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt listening to her giggle on the fear....she is going to be my little dare devil....I hope my heart can handle it hahahahaha....of course we couldn't leave the fair with out playing the games...and of course we ended up going home with the biggest stuffed animal at the fair....she couldn't even carry it but she was thrilled!!!! 

I don't know if it's my little pony or what has caused it but Isabella is in love with horses...She started taking riding lessons this summer!  What's awesome about the lessons is they are teaching her how to take care of the horse too not just ride it...Right now we are only going monthly since she is so young but I'm sure this is something that will's a lot of fun to watch her....when they are practicing walking every time she gets close to me she smiles and waves....she's got the princess thing down hahahaha

Boston and Isabella love love love the zoo...they are so much fun to go with too because they are little tour guides...cracks me up...I know I've said this a million times but I'm so thankful they have each other....they picked out little bracelets at the zoo that said "best friends" they are lucky to have each other....

Spunky....that seems like the best word to describe Iz right now...she is a force...daily she amazes me with the way her little brain works...with that spunk sometimes comes an with that we have been working on if she doesn't want to do something I give her 2 choices and she can choose what she wants...for example she doesn't want to eat dinner I would tell her she has 2 options eat dinner or go to her room....well that back fired on me in a big way a few days was nice out and I wanted to take Abrams for a I said "Hey Iz lets go get Abrams and go for a walk" she didn't want to...she wanted to keep playing with her I asked again....She got off of her scooter and put her hands on her hip and said "Mommy you have 2 options (while holding up 2 fingers) we can go inside and not go on a walk or you can have a spanking what do you choose (with a little head tilt)"  First off her other option has never been a spanking so I have no idea where that came from....I was literally stunned I could not believe that she had just used my options against me..It took everything I had to not laugh at her....I shouldn't have been surprised though she is too smart for her own good!!  

One thing I know is life will never be boring with this gorgeous little girl!! 


Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Easter Story (according to Isabella)

Today after Isabella got out of the bath she was telling me the Easter story.  Her attention to detail is pretty incredible for being just 3.  She told me that Jesus was "praying in the garden because he was scared"....that the soldiers "were mean to Jesus and beat him up and killed him"....she then went on to say that they "put in him in the tomb and his just his body was in the cloth"...then she said "Mary came to the tomb and Jesus was gone but the tooth fairy told her Jesus was alive"!  Yep go back and read that last sentence I said tooth fairy....I giggled a little and told asked "Iz wasn't it an Angel in the tomb"...she got her adorable I'm thinking look (which if you know Iz you know exactly what I'm talking about) and said "I think you're right Momma, it was an Angel" You can't help but just adore this kid she is least she got the major points right?!?!? I mean Angels and "tooth fairies" both have wings...HAHAHA

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Please Stay You!

I feel like in the stage we are in now I'm constantly saying Iz please stop Iz don't do that Iz would you please just listen...well today your bright smile has made me realize that I need to remember to tell you the good things I've been trying to tell you today but I thought I'd put some here too....I adore that you ask me to paint your nails while you are wearing a batman costume...that you will parade around in a princess dress but jump in a mud puddle =) I love that you are head strong (as much as it drives me nuts some days) because I know you will be ok...I love that you can light up a room with your giant personality...I love that you have a new obsession with Lip stick (I wonder if you always will) I couldn't stop laughing at you because we were "playing baseball" while you were dressed as a princess....I can't believe you already have enough hand eye coordination to hit the ball (with your arrow I might add)....You are force and let me tell you that won't always be easy....but just please stay you beautiful girl because I happen to think you are perfect!!
Love Mommy

A Tutu tiara and Bow and arrow hahahahahaha

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Hold me like a baby"

So a I'm not even sure how this started but every time Iz get's out of the bath she will say "will you hold me like a baby and sing me the baby song" (Rock a bye baby) so after her bath I get her wrapped up in a towel and hold her like a baby...its crazy how big she's I noticed how I struggled to hold her like a baby...something I used to do with one hand while gathering lotion and pajamas...shes so big blows me even though it takes a little extra time to rock her after her bath and watch her pretend to be a baby...I'm going to do as long as my arms will hold makes me sad that a day will come that she no longer want to be held like a baby and won't even need my help out of the bath....and by then will probably be way to cool to rock with for now I'll make sure and spend a little extra time snuggling her.