Monday, May 21, 2012


I did not realize how much fun it was going to be to watch Isabella at Sesame Street live....She was watch her sweet little face light up was a memory I don't think I will ever forget...Before the show we had a little run in with the Crazy (and yes that capital letter is on purpose) people from the Westboro Baptist Church...I hope by the time Isabella can read this they either don't exist or they have figured out how to stop them...Anyhoo we got to go backstage and meet Elmo and Ernie (this was a big deal considering Mammie feels the same way about costumes that I feel about clowns haha) When we walked into the room Isabella gasped and said ELMO...she was allllllll about it until I went to sit her on Elmo's lap and she attached herself to I sat on his lap with her...She gave him a high five and then gave him a kiss...she was bubbling over with excitement....Boston took a picture with them but felt the same way her Mommy did about the costumes hahaha....when the show was starting Isabella stood up on my lap and danced and pointed for the duration of the intermission she lifted her sweet hands and said "what happened"....I haven't laughed like that in a while....Boston decided that we needed cotton candy (only the blue kind would do) so her and I ran down the hall to get it...when I say ran I mean ran hahaha B and I know how to get things done so we don't miss the show!  We all had such a great time!  I can't wait to take them again!!!

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