Friday, November 2, 2012


Sooooo Isabella has this adorable game that we play....She will cover her eyes and say "Uh Oh where is me" and I will turn and look and she will have her chubby little baby hands covering her eyes...I can't help but then I will play along "Oh No where did Isabella go?  Did I leave her at insert wherever we just left (most likely target haha)....uh oh I have to go back and find her..."  Then she will open her little hands and say "Here I AM"  and then she says "Where's Mommy" which is my cue to cover my eyes or pretend to since I'm normally driving during this game...and then she says "where is Mommy...can't find her" and she gets just as excited as me when I uncover my eyes...This little game works like a charm when she is upset or getting a little restless.....I know that peek a boo won't always be able to make her day....but for now I'm going to live it up!! 

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