Isabella and Boston were playing on their new swing that their Papa set up for them on the new deck he built...He was in charge so I blame this whole mess on him hahahaha anyway so Isabella was swinging and Boston was pushing of course they wanted to trade and Isabella thinks she is a big girl and wanted to push Boston...the problem with pushing a swing is when you push comes back...and sometimes it collides with your pretty little baby as I'm coming down the stairs on the deck to pick her up because she is bellowing I look at my beautiful little baby and realize there is blood dripping down her face (okay maybe it wasn't dripping but in my mind it was totally dripping) at this point I am frozen (my nurse brain ceases to function) I'm just looking at her and have no idea what to do I decided the best option is to scream for my Mom...which then causes panic inside because I can normally handle the situation so at this point my Mom Sister Tyler and Doodah come running outside (they are all freaking out) they get one look at Isabella and then they proceed to start yelling at me because it really wasn't dripping blood just a little bloody nose but it's scary when it's my all is mom and sister cleaned her up...then I realized I needed to document the moment (nurse brain is back documentation is key haha) so we made her mad trying to take a photo of the damage and then she went back to seriously stressed me out! So here are some pics...not for the weak stomach....hahahhahahahaha ok so it wasn't that bad but at least it's a good story....
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