Friday, December 2, 2011

Dear Isabella

Dear Isabella,
I can't believe you are one....I remember this time last year I was holding you in the hospital feeling very unsure of what to do...should I hold you or let you sleep in your bassinet...I remember the what if's in my head...what if I don't hear you cry....what if I can't make you feel better...what if I'm not good at this....what if what if...I remember thinking you were beautiful and that I could not believe that you were here...I remember it being so quiet in the room and I was just listening to you breath and it took my breath away...You still take my breath away today...You are sleeping now and just like a year ago today I'm amazed by you...amazed that in 12 short months you have learned to roll over, sit up, stand, walk, talk, climb, run and so much have changed how I look at things...I have so many hopes and dreams for you, but mostly I hope that you know I'm always here and that I'm proud of you!  I hope that you always smile like you do now, with your whole face, you really are so happy...This past year has been amazing, there is no better feeling in the world than one of your hugs....I can't help but smile when I look at you...I can already see your determination yesterday you couldn't figure out how to get up onto your chair I watched you try and try took a step back looked at it and figured it out...I hope you always take on things like that...just take a step back and try again!  You have taught me so much, you have taught me that there is something bigger than me out there, that I cannot control everything, you have taught me to never give up on what I want, that sometimes a bath can fix everything, the best pictures aren't always the "perfect" ones, what true love feels like...and I'm sure there is so much more I'm forgetting right now...Looking at you sleep right now I just can't get over what a little angel you are...I love you more than I can ever tell you...I hope you are having sweet dreams my little princess happy 1st birthday!!
Your Momma

Look how you have changed beautiful girl!!

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