Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Croup can't even keep her down...

So my little lady is a tough cookie...Monday she started coughing so I made her a doctors appt...even though she wasn't feeling good at my sisters she was having a melt down to go outside and play with the other kids...Sammie said she was standing at the glass door banging and crying to come my sister lets her go even though she is coughing her head off she was running around laughing and playing...I guess she knew she couldn't waste the beautiful day!  Well I've decided she should have named her Grace because the sweet girl can't take 5 steps without falling...well of course on the day I have to take her to the doctor she wipes out and hits her little face on my parents front steps...which just happen to be here is what my sweet angel looked like at the doctors office...

I feel like I should have worn a shirt that said "I promise I don't beat my kid" hahahahah She is hilarious!  Anyway so we found out she had totally we spent that night rotating between a steamy shower and then bundling up and going outside to breathe the cold was a long night but thankfully we just stayed home and cuddled the next day...Isabella is already back to her old self...Momma is a little under the weather but I'll today she was showing off her new fork skills it cracks me up how it seems like she is always learning something with croup and a bruised face she is still all smiles while she is eating tonight...I wish I was this resilient Ha Ha

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