Monday, January 30, 2012

The BIz

Since our girls are practically joined at the hip (already) my sister and I affectionately call them "The BIz" for B and Iz come on laugh it's funny...hahah They are going to hate us for that but whatev that's what Moms are for right??  I'm so thankful that they have each other...they are super close and it's adorable to see how much they love each other...they both get super excited when the other one arrives and sometimes I have to sneak out of the house so Boston isn't standing at the door screaming for us!  Its nice to know that they will always have someone that has their back...sometimes it's hard when it's a sibling because it's natural to have competition and "hate" the other one, hopefully since they are cousins it won't be so bad...they are my sister and I's children though so I wish them well hahhaha...Boston loved Isabella immediately she wanted to hold her in the hospital and when they took her away she cried....isn't it funny how little ones just know that they are supposed to love someone!!  I can't wait to watch them grow up together I adore my niece so much and am thankful that Isabella has her...

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