Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mini Holiday Cheer Meister

So I'm not sure if it's because of her birth month or if my Mom has just rubbed off on her...but Isabella is a mini Holiday Cheer mother holds the title currently but with her love of Christmas decorations Isabella may be giving her a run for her money! My mom always puts her tree up the first weekend after Halloween...much to my Thanksgiving loving self but hey it's her thing...well Isabella loves the lights!  She was so excited when we were putting up my moms tree that I went and got her a small one for her room!  My mom and B came over to help!  Isabella was running around with her new ornaments slamming them together...well lets just say I totally forgot that ornaments were normally made of glass until I heard the sound of breaking sweet little baby is standing with 2 broken ornaments in her hands looking very confused...thankfully no one got hurt but I definitely learned my lesson!  Her tree looks great I think she will be sad when we have to take it down...