Thursday, December 9, 2010

She's Here!!

Ok so I'm a little week ago today Isabella arrived. I went into the hospital on the 1st to start cervidil and was supposed to get pitocin in the morning of the 2nd to induce labor. About an hour after they placed the cervidil labor kicked in. I guess Isabella was throwing in the towel saying fine you want to do this we are going to do it on my time...haha. They had given me something to sleep when they placed the cervidil so that I would be rested for the morning. Well that was a little counter productive considering labor started soon after the sleeping medication haha. I am using this as my excuse for waving my white flag to get the epidural but really I've just decided that it hurt and my sister seriously must be a rock star haha...after the epidural I was able to rest a little and dilated from a 3 to 9 in just a few hours...(that's very quick for baby #1)....The first epidural they placed only worked on one side and so after they replaced the epidural and gave me a bolus of medicine I was concerned someone had stolen my legs because I couldn't feel them hahahaha it was the strangest feeling. I pushed for about 20 minutes and then Isabella was here with 8:52am.

The first time I looked at her I had no idea what to think, I felt this overwhelming rush of relief, love, fear, blew me away how I fell in love with her within seconds. They took her over to clean her up...I remember being so afraid I almost felt not worthy of this little angel, I just clung to my sisters hand (she has always been a source of strength for me) and knew that everything was going to work out....Thank You Sammie!! Then they brought her back to me and they placed my daughter into my arms that is a moment I will never forget she looked up at me with the biggest baby eyes I've ever seen and I was awe struck. I really cannot put into words how that felt.
One thing that makes me laugh so much is that she has turned me into a chump....I've always considered myself a tough girl, well not when it comes to Isabella. Not only has my nurse brain completely gone out the window when it comes to her but I catch myself doing things very uncharacteristic of sitting with a baby monitor 2 inches away from my face because she was in her own room, or laughing at her "cry" (it's not really a cry I've affectionately nicknamed her squeaks) in the middle of the night when I'm so tired, but for some reason I've found patience.

I look back and the past 9 months and laugh...I was not a fan of being pregnant at was hard for me...however Isabella is more than worth it.
So here is her blog debut I'm sure there will be more stories and pictures to come!! The first pic is of My sister and my adorable niece Boston with Isabella and I...then Isabella and her Daddy....Isabella and me in the hospital and then one of the professional pics from the hospital they did an amazing job!!!
I also wanted to thank my Mom and Aunt for being there with us when Isabella arrived they have both taught me to be a strong woman an I needed a reminder of that during delivery! I love you both!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So tomorrow is Induction Day

So after spending all that time worrying that Mac wouldn't make it home HES HERE! The only down side is I'm still waddling around like a weeble wooble...hahahaha A few weeks ago we found out my placenta was grade 3 (pretty normal towards the end of pregnancy) so because of that they aren't going to let me go over my due date to long. So we are checking into the hospital tonight for cervidil and then they will start the induction in the morning. Its amazing that Isabella is going to be here soon! I'm so happy that Mac is here and I will have his strength through all of this. He is so wonderful I am very lucky!

I'm getting a little nervous though, I am feeling very scared and unsure...I am a perfectionist so I'm not really digging feeling like this. There are just so many what ifs running through my head....I know it will all be OK but for now I'm just going to worry.

I will try to keep everyone updated through the whole process....Isabella will be here to meet everyone soon!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We have the go ahead...

At my doctors appointment this week he said that we've made it to the point now that if I was to go into labor she is full term and we wouldn't stop it. Isn't that nuts?!?! It's so strange it really does seem like I just found out that this whole crazy journey was starting. I'm getting excited, her room is ready, she has more clothes than she will probably be able to wear, I've finished birthing classes, packed my hospital bag well sort of that seems to be what's tripping me up...I've never been a good packer and considering I've never done this before I'm unsure of what I need. I can't believe this is really happening. Soon there will be a little person here...I wonder what she will look like and who she will act like (for her sake I hope she gets her Daddy's temperament).
I go through phases on on hand this is something I've always wanted, I have a wonderful husband and it's an exciting new chapter and I can't wait for her to get here....on the other hand some days I feel like I'm about to jump off a cliff. I know most first time moms probably feel this way, I'm just having a little anxiety about it all.
I am just trying to look forward to Mac getting home and not focus on the anxiety. He is such a rock for me! I just think everything will go smoother if he gets home in time. Only about 3 weeks left....everyone keeps saying that Isabella will wait for him I hope they are right...I know he wants to be here too! I'm lucky I have such an amazing husband he's going to be a great Daddy!!
Well I'm going to try and sleep now that I've spilled all my crazy thoughts out here! Haha have a good night everyone!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

5 weeks to go!!

I cannot believe that we are down to 5 weeks...I mean seriously that's only one hand. It's funny in some ways I bursting at the seams with excitment but I'm also a little nervous...not sure if I have all the stuff I need or if I will know what to do. When do those "mommy eyes" develop in the back of my head...haha I keep trying to calm my nerves but thinking "I'm a nurse how bad can I be at this" hahaha not really helping though.
I have been on the lookout for one of those wraps to carry the baby in anyone know where to find one? Someone told me there is a store on the plaza but it's hiding from me....
Her room is mostly done now and her clothes are away...I've started packing a "go bag" for the hospital but I think my nerves are getting the best of me so I keep putting that to the side. Mac should be home in about 4 and 1/2 weeks (cutting it a little to close for comfort) I'm beyond excited about that! I've missed him so much this last time.
So any advise from you pros out there I'm all ears!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I just had to throw that title in there because we are currently kicking KU's butt! =) I feel like it's been forever since I've blogged so I'm doing a little catch up this evening. So I'm almost 34 weeks now...was getting nervous about my weight gain at work the other day so the sonographer did some measurements for me. My little one is up to 4lbs 11oz....which is totally crazy to me considering that she will be bigger than my birth weight very soon. If she keeps cooking for 6 more weeks she could be a bigger girl....oooo nervous...I'd like a natural child birth so she better slow her roll...hahaha
This weekend is baby shower is this weekend, that should be fun. I'm excited about the desserts...=) Makes it very real that this is actually happening. I'm at the point now where I could go into labor at any moment...yikes very scary. I hope she stays put for a while though...I really don't want Mac to miss it...I'm trying worry to much, I feel like stress won't promote me not going into labor most likely the exact opposite. We will see how it goes I have good friends and family here but it's just not the same as having Mac. I'm missing him a lot lately...not much longer he will be home soon!
Have a good weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"No Pictures Please"

Isabella's "No Pictures" pose

I had my 3D ultrasound today which was mom and niece when with me. Boston was so sweet she did not like that the sono tech was messing with me...she had to sit right next to me on the table and watch the tech it was super sweet...Isabella was quite the little hooch she didn't mind showing us her rear but would not let us get a good picture of her face...There is even a picture where she has both hands covering her in the classic paparazzi "no pictures please" pose...haha it was funny, in a few of the pictures she looks a lot like my niece so I'm interested to see if she does when she arrives...It was fun to see her little personality come one point the tech was pressing on my tummy (which wasn't that comfy) and Boston was fussing that Isabella crinkled her forehead and opened her mouth like she was yelling, we were obviously disturbing her....nice to see she's going to be feisty....haha ya'll will probably have to remind me I said that was going to be nice because I'm sure when that attitude is directed at me I won't think it's that cute!! Its so crazy that this is really happening, that in 9ish weeks she will be here....I've thought about for a long time what it would be like to be a mom, and now that it's happening I'm a mixture of terror and excitement and anxiety we will see....She weighs over 3lbs now and everything looked great on the it's just a waiting game...which I'm not very good at....=)
This was the pic where we upset her....haha
A Foot
Rubbing her eye

Thursday, September 16, 2010

He's a Mastiff not a St Bernard

So today I had a prenatal massage and it was fabulous! I got to lay on my tummy, they had this great pillow thingy and as soon as I was able to get onto the pillow (which wasn't that easy hahaha)....I didn't even need the massage part haha it was just wonderful to be on my tummy! =) It was so nice to just relax!! I recommend having one to every pregnant woman!!
Isabella is kicking tons more now, it's so crazy to feel her move....she is definitely getting stronger haha it's funny I was excited to be able to really feel her and now sometimes (when I'm trying to sleep) I wish she would quit dancing for just a little bit =) On Tuesday I'm having a 3D ultrasound...It's really excited because they are going to do a live stream so Mac will be able to see it with me. It will be very nice to be able to share this with him! We are going to get tons of pictures too so I will be sure and post some. I'm interested to see how clear it really is...I've seen a few 3D ultrasounds in the past and it was neat!!
Off baby topic for a bit....It was such a beautiful day out today Tank and I went for a walk, which he loves....while we were walking this random jogging lady says to her random jogging partner "look it's Beethoven" then she looked at me asking for approval and I said "actually Tank is a Mastiff like from The Sandlot" and she proceeded to argue with me about how Beethoven and Tank are the same kind of was funny I couldn't help but just laugh and keep walking it's hilarious to me when people are completely wrong and they just blatantly don't want to listen...haha so for all of you I'm going to post 2 pictures one of Beethoven and one of Tank someone please explain to me how they are so similar hahahah a


Beethoven (St. Bernard)

Yes they are both big...but they aren't even the same color!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I get home from work today and there is a package by my front door.....always fun.....anyway so I pick it up and it's addressed to Mac....bummer (not as exciting haha) I send him a text and he asked me where it was from....after investigating further I realize it's from "Varney's" the book store at K-State (super excited at this point).....It's a maternity KSU shirt *insert happy dance* and it's just in time for football season....he also got a onsie and bib for Isabella, they are super adorable! I just can't get over how thoughtful he is sometimes....even from 6000 miles away he finds a way to make me feel special, I don't say it enough but I'm really lucky....So here is a pic of my new awesome shirt...don't mind the pink scrub pants (they totally don't match) and I cropped my face out....there isn't anything cute about working all day hahahahahahah THANKS MAC!!!!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glucose Test and Stroller adventures

This week I had my glucose wasn't even the drink that bothered me it just tasted like a super sweet Sunkist....I had to fast the night before so it was just a weird feeling having nothing in your system then only sugar all worked out though!! I also had an ultrasound while I was waiting for the blood draw...they checked all her organ systems and took some fun pictures for Mac....she looks like a little person now, and weighs's crazy though on one of the profile pics her nose looks just like my niece's its crazy how clear it was. Here is one of the pics!!

This weekend was Tibilow Days...this little fair thing in Bonner...and Dogs are welcome so of course I took my puppy (I know he's 205lbs but he's my puppy) so my sister and I are walking around with Boston (my niece) in the stroller and Tank...we are answering the normal 100 questions about Tank "How much does he weigh" "Is he a St Bernard" (this one is particularly annoying) "How much does he eat" "Do you have a saddle for him"....anyway so he was good all day he didn't get upset when he was being swarmed by people wanting to pet him and he walked through all the food booths and didn't "steal" anything....well my sister and I were watching the dance groups performing and Boston was napping peacefully in her stroller...and then this kid on a skateboard rolled by and Tank decided that he didn't like the skateboard and that kid was to close to the stroller (he is extremely protective of it) as Tank jumps into action as he jumps up his leash got stuck on the side of her stroller and I watch in horror as the stroller does a barrel roll...I jumped down to make sure she was ok and she looked at me like "Aunt Tital what just happened" then she started to cry....No worries though she is totally fine, only a little bruise on her elbow...thank goodness I was terrified....So we learned our lesson don't let Tank sleep near the stroller haha

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pottery Barn Kids is Dangerous

My sister and I went to Pottery Barn Kids today to order the glider I've been the process I fell in love with this lamp that was covered in fake was adorable, they wanted $100 for sister and I both felt like it was crazy so we decided we could make it ourselves...after buying out Michael's flower department we made it and I think ours is much cuter and was less than half the price for everything! So I had to show it off!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trip down the stairs....

Had an interesting night last night...I took a little spill down the stairs...I'm such a klutz...I slid mostly on my rear but rolled a bit when I got to the bottom. Thankfully my good friend Amber was around. I put a call into my OG/GYN and the doctor on call sent me into Labor and Delivery because my blood type is negative. They ran some blood work to see if getting jostled mixed my blood with Isabella's...they gave me a shot of Rhogam which I will have to have again after she is born if her blood type is positive. The tests haven't come back yet, but because I was far enough along they gave me the Rhogam anyway after watching us on the monitor sent me home. The worst part of the whole thing was getting my blood drawn (the nurse was terrible) I thought Amber (who is also a nurse) was going to rip the needle out of her hand haha...I am pretty sure my worst bruise today is from the blood draw and not the one from the fall...haha I'm glad everything turned out ok....I guess I need to be more careful on the stairs =)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mean Face at Babies R Us

Yesterday I went to pick up Isabella's crib....which I was very excited about. I went straight after work with Macs truck to make things easier...there was nothing easy about this trip....Macs parents got the crib for us (which was so nice) so they had talked to the people at the store here and then the store called me and told me to come pick it when I get there they have no record of any of this...and the very unhelpful person behind the counter was just looking at me like I was crazy because I was telling her that it was all already taken care of and I had spoken with someone just yesterday to schedule this pickup....I mean seriously it isn't like we have the most common last name, how many could there be. So after about 20 minutes of confusion she finally pulled her head out of her *** and found what I was looking for. Then she proceeds to tell me to just pull the truck around the back and press the service button and they will bring the crib out, I get back in the truck and drive around, I push the button and wait....and wait.....and wait....(I'm not very good at waiting either) so I start trying to distract myself, I put down the tail gait....make sure that I have bungee cords in case I need them....and then I push the button again....and no one appears, I'm super confused at this point because the people inside the store just sent me out here and now they are no where to be found. I call the store and get transferred a few times and while I'm waiting the door finally's been another 20 min at this point I'm sure.....the guy in the back proceeds to bring this giant box out and leans it against the truck and starts to walk away...I'm a little dumbfounded for a second, first off this box is huge, not sure how a such a little person's bed needs a box that big, second the guy is just walking away....I stop him and ask if he's going to help me get it in the truck, he looks irritated sighs and explains to me that he can't tie it down because it's a liability blah blah blah, and I say fine don't tie it down but could you at least put it in the truck, I'm pregnant I'm not supposed to be lifting much more than 25lbs (according to my last doctors visit) and this crazy person wants me to put this giant box in the truck....anyway he doesn't want to do it but does anyway....he leaves the bed half hanging off the tail gait and walks away....I seriously think steam is coming out of my ears by this point I climb up into the truck tail gait and all and use my hip to shove the bed the rest of the way into the truck bed and strap it down....I was so frustrated I started to cry which just made me more mad...I have always been a do it myself kind of person and feeling helpless like that was more than my emotions could take yesterday....but anyway we have the bed now and I have learned my lesson about going by myself when I'm picking something up, but jeez I thought a store that caters to predominantly pregnant people would be a little more makes for a funny story now, I wish I had a video of my all ticked off trying to strap down that bed...hahahahahaha It's fun that her room is starting to come together and Babies R Us is very lucky that Mac is away right now...haha he was not a happy camper when I told him the story....I had to tell him to park his white horse in the stable for a's true though my gentleman did not understand how this guy could be such a jerk, I tried to explain to him that not everyone (not even the majority) of men are like him...I really got lucky with him!! =) I'm glad the crib is here now, and next week when I pick up the rest of the furniture I am going to take someone with me so there isn't a mushroom cloud over Babies R Us!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leg Cramps.....AAAHHHH

So I've found another pregnancy fact that everyone forgets to tell you...Last night I got another one of those leg cramps that feels like Tank is chewing on me...hahaha it's just crazy I'm not sure how to make them better. It's happened a few times now it's really strange, one minute I'm sleeping the next I am trying to figure out why my leg is on fire...I've been googling it and asking the Doctors I work with....they say it's from either dehydration (which is not possible I drink so much water my eyeballs are floating) and also hypocalcemia, so I'm going to try and take in more calcium. It is pretty funny though when I'm jumping around in the middle of the night and Tank looks up like what are you we doing....hahha

I started registering this weekend, it went alright. Its a little overwhelming there are so many options and so much to think about. When baby shower time gets here it should be fun, it will be fun to see what other people think too! I can't believe this is really happening, in less than 4 months Isabella is going to be here. Sammie and I picked out paint for her room over the weekend too...we decided on a very pale purple. I didn't think everything had to be pink just becauae shes a girl. I found a beautiful mobile and wall decor from pottery barn kids they are butterflies made from real feathers. I like them a lot, it's been pretty easy finding butterfly stuff seems like we picked a good theme! I think it's going to be really cute, I like more realistic looking butterflies, I'm not a big fan of the cartoon looking stuff. Some of the baby stuff is just way to busy for me...we will see how it turns out!

I got Macs first package mailed off today, it really is fun shopping for care packages. Hopefully he gets them soon, he's at a different place then he was last time so I wonder how long these will take. He is settled in and really seems to be liking it, I'm excited for him!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

These hormones are crazy....

One major thing I've noticed is that being pregnant has sent my emotions into overdrive. Its just ridiculous sometimes...for example I was just having a relaxing afternoon watching the dog whisperer and the next thing I know I'm sitting on the floor crying with my dog and he's staring at me like "again mom" That show isn't even sad!!! hahahaha it makes me laugh...I feel like I should come with a warning label...."WARNING could spontaneously burst into tears, laughter, or rage at any moment"....I know what some of you are thinking, "what's changed?" I've always been a "Bottle Rocket" as Mac has so affectionately put it; however this is getting out of control. Just like the other day at the bank, I was waiting in line to talk to the teller and the lady in front of me was being helped in spanish....I know I shouldn't let it bother me but sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs "THIS IS AMERICA" well anyway I contained myself and then when I got up to the teller, I told her what I needed and she gave me that deer in the head lights look. She didn't understand me because I was speaking english. This spun me into a dimension of pissed off that I'm sure was a little over the top but seriously, fine I get it, I should be open minded and people should be bi-lingual and blah blah blah but if you are going to work in a place where you have to deal with the public you should at least be able to speak I over reacting? I don't feel like I am but nothing feels like that right now.
Mac made it safely and I got to chat with him this morning, it was nice to hear from him. He's always such a breath of fresh air for me. I guess he found sometime neat for Isabella on his travels and I've been teasing him about how I've already been demoted...hahahaha I'm thinking of going baby shopping this afternoon, maybe start to register, who knows....I'm glad that most stores have an online option too so Mac will be able to help! Even though last time we went and looked at things, we picked out big items (strollers, cribs, bed sets) that we liked, but he told me he wouldn't be upset if I picked out colors of onesies without him. I think that was his nice way of getting out of it =) Well we will see how the adventures in baby shopping go.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So the countdown begins....

I had to take Mac to the airport this morning. It was tough....I'm already missing him like crazy. We had such a great few days home and even got an extra day we weren't expecting. Yesterday I had to work and realized halfway there that I had forgotten my lunch. I was chatting with Mac on the way, I just laughed it off and said I would go grab something no biggie...but then to my surprise one of the girls at the front desk called me and said that there was someone there to see me. I was totally confused and when I went to see who it was there was Mac with my lunch box packed with all my favorite things. Hes so thoughtful, I mean seriously how many men would drive almost 30min just to bring my lunch. He made me feel so special, he always does though...wherever he is. Thats what I try to keep thinking, we've been here before and this time it's a 1/4 of the time. No amount of time apart is fun though. When he left this morning we were talking about how when he gets back it's going to be practically baby time...that really made us both start's gone so fast. That will keep us busy the next few months making final decisions on baby gear and all that jazz. I'm starting to feel the itch to buy things...I've tried to take it easy so far, but it's starting to get to me a little. Maybe I will make a list of things I need and then I can check them off, that might help....any Mom pros out there have any "must haves" if so...let me know!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Preview of pics!!!

So here are some of the pics we took yesterday...Jami did such a wonderful job! I just love love love them....I will upload more later I'm so thankful we were able to get these done before he left...

macs pictures....and wasps

YAY!!!! Macs home...even if it's just for a few days it's still so nice to have him around. I just feel better in general =) Sometimes these quick visits home make it harder, but its still very nice just to have him in the same house.
Yesterday we went to Loose Park and took belly pics (THANKS SO MUCH JAMI) I think they turned out super cute they will be making their debut here soon. We took the shoes Mac ordered for her, they are Merrells, I always give him crap for wearing them all the time, however the little pink merrells he got for Isabella are adorable....and of course it's cute she has shoes like her Daddy. We had a great time, I'm glad we got these pics out of the way in case Isabella decides to make her grand appearance early and Mac comes home after she is already here. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that doesn't happen though...
A week or so ago Tank got stung on the face by a wasp and he looked like he'd gone a few rounds with Rocky....haha I felt awful for him but it was funny =) Anyway Mac told me he'd look into it when he got home, so we went and got wasp spray yesterday and he starts looking around on the porch....lets just say that our back porch was the midwest stronghold for the wasp foreign legion hahahahaha there were 12 wasp nests on under our back was crazy....ya'll should have seen Mac he was all decked out in his "eye pro" and gloves while Tank and I laughed through the window...I could not believe there were so many....I hope the spray stuff works and I'm glad I didn't investigate the situation myself. This morning our backyard looks like a wasp graveyard I hope they don't come back.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not cut out to be a surgical nurse....

So today at work...the doctor I work with is out of the office so thursday is normally just my random day. I work on paperwork for people needing time off or help other nurses if they need it...well at lunch time the NP said she was going to assist with a C-Section at the hospital and I said "that would be neat to see" so she told me to tag there I am so pumped I met the Pt first to make sure she didn't mind me being in there (super nice people) and then got all garbed up and headed first it was so exciting to watch them drape the Pt and get all the instruments out...they start the procedure and I'm amazed at how little blood there is....the NP and the Doc are explaining the different layers they are cutting through and talking me through the was awesome....(this is where it gets interesting) at this time I'm starting to notice that my face is getting super hot underneath the surgical mask....then I realize that all of me is getting pretty hot and then the clammy feeling starts to sink in....I'm thinking to myself "come on KC get it together" so I choose to ignore it and keep watching....well the next thing I know the surgical RN looks over at me and asks me if I'm ok....and I was about to nod yes....(this is where I'm getting told what happens) she pushes me backward onto a stool and then after our NP yells to her that I'm pregnant too lowers me to the floor....where she so fabulously put that I looked like I was "waving the wheat" which being a huge KSTATE fan made me feel even more crappy....then the poor pt asks "is the nurse ok" it was's hard to embarrass me but this it's official I'm just getting it out there I will not be trying to specialize in is so strange to me that I lost it, I mean I've seen a ton of vaginal deliveries never got sick....and have changed a ton of wounds that look much worse than this c-sec did today.....=( everyone keeps telling me it's because I'm pregnant and blah blah blah, but my ego took a hit today....hahaha...before this little incident I had been saying that I didn't want to have to have a c-section and now I'm sure of it....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chatting Baby

I had a doctors appointment today and they did an ultrasound just to make sure all is well.....and it was hilarious to the little one "talking" I know that's not actually what was going on but it was hilarious, her little jaws were flappin! I know that most people will have something funny to say about that. Must be like her Momma because Mac is a quiet guy...haha....its so odd for me to be a patient I feel silly worrying about all the little cramps and stretches that I'm feeling, but it feels like my nurse brain just flies out the window when it comes to my own body....who knows...

This baby shopping stuff is overwhelming....I am starting to feel unprepared...I know I know there is plenty of time before she makes her grand appearance but for some reason the panic of making sure that everything is "ready" is getting to me...who knows

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bitter Sweet

Mac found out to day that he's is going to be getting the job that he's really wanted. The only sad part is now it's real that he's leaving again. Don't get me wrong I'm very excited for him and I know that it will all be fine and work out. It's just a little hard to think about being apart again. Its such a strange feeling...I'm so conflicted....I'm proud of him for going after what he wants and getting it.....there is a little part of me that just wants him to be home at night. Thankfully he will be home in time for baby, but then "our" time will really be cut down because it's going to be so busy around here. I'm sure it will all work out...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Post....YAY!!!!

So at the suggestion of a new friend, I've decided to start a blog. Hmmmmm where to start...well I will just catch everyone up to speed, sometime in the middle of March after I'd laughed cried and screamed all in the same five minutes I took a pregnancy test. They say that you have to wait 3 minutes however that is a load of crap because in 30 sec it said "pregnant". I always wondered how I would react at that moment.....I've always wanted children, would I cry or jump up and down, or be all smiles. My reaction was to scream for Mac at the top of my lungs....hahahah he said he knew what was up before he even got to me. He knows me pretty well....then I proceeded to cry, I didn't know why I was crying or if was joy, terror, or both. We weren't trying to get pregnant so it was definitely a surprise. It was something we wanted just not at that moment. Mac was wonderful (of course) he's so calm and loving. I have no idea what I would do without him most days. I was in denial for a while don't get me wrong having a baby is a wonderful thing, I was just completely in freak out mode. At that point I wasn't thinking of the exciting things...I think I thought of every bad thing that might possibly happen first hahahaha I wonder how many other pregnant women have that same moment. So now here we are about 21 weeks pregnant and we are having a little girl. I'd like to set a few things straight about pregnancy first though....things I think people don't tell you. 1. when you are pregnant walking up stairs makes you tired even if you were in fabulous shape before 2. it's super common to get leg cramps in the middle of the night that wake you up thinking your 200lb Mastiff is chewing on your leg 3. you cry for no reason at all....haha just ask Mac about that one. We've decided to name her Isabella Jo and we can't wait to meet her and see where this adventure takes us... I'm excited to share all of this on my new blog. I'm new and this so bear with me it may take me a while to figure it out haha